
The Do’s and Don’ts of Jet Ski Rental: Avoiding Common Mistakes

Jet skiing is an exhilarating water sport that can provide hours of fun in the sun. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced rider, renting a jet ski can be a great way to enjoy this exciting activity without the commitment and cost of owning your own. Moreover, hiring a good company for jet ski rental in Washington can ensure a safe and enjoyable experience. In this article, we will discuss the dos and don’ts of jet ski rental to help you have a smooth and enjoyable experience.

The Do’s

  1. Do wear a life jacket: This is a no-brainer but often overlooked by first-time riders. Wearing a life jacket can save your life in case of an accident or if you fall off the jet ski.
  1. Do listen to the safety brief: Before heading out onto the water, the rental company will provide a safety briefing that covers important information, such as how to operate the jet ski, the rules of the waterway, and what to do in case of an emergency. It is crucial to pay attention and follow all instructions for a safe ride.
  1. Do keep a safe distance: Jet skis can travel at high speeds, so it is important to maintain a safe distance from other riders and objects in the water. Be aware of your surroundings and make sure to give enough space for other jet skiers, boats, or swimmers.
  1. Do know the local rules and regulations: Before renting a jet ski, make sure you are familiar with the local laws and regulations regarding jet skiing. Some areas may have speed limits or designated waterways for jet skis, so it is important to follow these rules to avoid any legal troubles.
  1. Do respect others on the water: Jet skiing can be a noisy and fast-paced activity, but it’s important to be respectful towards others on the water. Keep in mind that not everyone enjoys the same level of excitement and be mindful of your wake, noise level, and overall behavior.

The Don’ts

  1. Don’t drink and ride: Just like driving a car, operating a jet ski while under the influence of alcohol or drugs is extremely dangerous and illegal. It impairs your judgment, coordination, and reaction time, increasing the risk of accidents.
  1. Don’t ride outside of your skill level: While it may be tempting to try out new tricks or push yourself to go faster, it’s important to only ride within your skill level. Trying something beyond your abilities can result in injury or damage to the jet ski.
  1. Don’t forget sunscreen: Spending hours in the water can lead to sunburns, so make sure to apply sunscreen before heading out. The reflection of the sun off the water can be intense, and it’s easy to get burnt without even realizing it.
  1. Don’t ignore weather conditions: Before renting a jet ski, check the weather forecast. High winds, storms, or choppy waters can make jet skiing dangerous, and it’s best to avoid riding in these conditions.
  1. Don’t leave valuables unattended: It’s important to keep your personal belongings safe while on the water. If possible, leave valuables such as phones, wallets, or jewelry at home or securely locked in your car. If you must bring them with you, make sure they are stored in a waterproof bag or compartment to avoid damage.


Jet skiing is a thrilling and enjoyable activity, but it’s important to follow the do’s and don’ts of rental to ensure safety and respect for others on the water. By following these guidelines, you can have a fun and memorable jet skiing experience without any common mistakes or accidents. So, make sure to wear your life jacket, listen to the safety brief, and ride responsibly for a safe and exciting adventure on the water.